For your peace of mind with every project

Independent third-party certifications, associations, and compliance

Certifications & Associations

At Systemair, our commitment to excellence applies to not just our services, but everything we do. As a result, we are proud to share that our products and facilities are certified by leading independent third-party ventilation and air quality organisations.

Because you deserve the best

From government buildings and hospitals to apartment complexes and private homes, with Systemair you can complete your projects easily and smoothly to perfection – comfortable with the knowledge that your HVAC parts and solutions are fully compliant with local and international standards, and multiple regulatory requirements.

Filter Eurovent Energy

Proven, reliable performance

Feel confident with your projects knowing that products or solutions we offer you come certified by the world’s most recognised independent, third-party certification bodies, such as AHRI, AMCA, Eurovent Certification, and HVI.

Accredited testing facilities

Our laboratories and testing facilities are accredited according to ISO 5801, AMCA 210 (air performance), AMCA 300 (sound), and AMCA 202-5 (air curtains). And all our factories comply with strict testing, quality, and safety assurance requirements.

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Future-proof compliance

Everything we do at Systemair is fully compliant with both current and future standards and regulations. At the same time, we are helping shape the future of HVAC legislation, codes, and standards in global markets through our partnerships with key associations and research bodies.

Raising HVAC industry standards does not just help combat climate change. It helps improve the health and welfare of millions of people across the globe.

Raúl Corredera Häner
Senior Director Manufacturing and Operations, Systemair Group President, Eurovent Association

Performance & safety certifications

Our products are certified by globally trusted, third-party certification bodies, including:

Our customers deserve the best the world has to offer. Which is why we work tirelessly to improve the performance of our existing products, and continue developing even more innovative, more sustainable, and more affordable solutions.

Morten Schmelzer
Technical Marketing Director, Head of Public Affairs, Systemair Group Member of the Steering Committee, European Ventilation Industry Association (EVIA) Vice-Chairman, Eurovent International
Memberships in associations and research organisations
People in leadership positions at associations and certification bodies

Associations & research

We take on leadership positions and active roles in 50+ associations and research organisations around the world. All to help advance HVAC industry regulations and to push for further developments in environmentally and energy-conscious production, manufacturing, and performance.

Systemair is proudly associated with:

We are ongoing participants in ISHRAE and ASHRAE activities, including the committee for the development of the ISHRAE - RAMA Standard 20002 : 2020 for Air Handling Units. For us, it is crucial that we continuously set and achieve these ambitious standards.

Asokdas Damodaran
Managing Director, Systemair India Board Member, AMCA International Chairman, Asian AMCA

Shaping the present and the future

Systemair is proud to support 50+ volunteers who are actively helping shape the international HVAC sector. Take a look at some of their recent activities:

Interested in learning more?

Our global Public Affairs team is ready to answer your questions and guide you to the right resources. You’re welcome to contact any of us at any time.

Morten Schmelzer


Ola Wettergren


Asokdas M Damodaram

Asokdas Damodaran

Asia Pacific

Nerissa Deoraj

EMEA, Asia Pacific

Contact the Public Affairs team


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