Systemair supplied Frico air curtains to Mazoon Dairy’s milk processing farm to protect the indoor climate from energy loss and ensure the highest level of hygiene.
Case Study
The project required an invisible door to prevent the inflow of external warm, humid air and insects and restrict the outflow of indoor treated air.
The plant prioritised easy integration with BMS and opted for models that can work on auto mode interlinked with the door switch.
Frico air curtains offered flexible installations and was deemed suitable for 8-meter vertical mounting
M/S Al Adrak Trading & Contracting Company LLC
M/S AECOM Middle East Consultant Engineers LLC
M/S Mazoon Dairy Company’s SAOG
M/S.Light House Trading & Engineering Services LLC
Mazoon Dairy Company is the largest integrated dairy company in the Sultanate of Oman. The integrated facility at As’Sunainah includes a state-of-the-art dairy farm with the capacity to house over 25,000 cows, a Central Processing Plant capable of producing over a million litres of liquid milk per day and staff accommodation to accommodate over 400 employees.
The facility also consists of a Wastewater Treatment plant and a Biogas generation plant unique to the region. The facility oversees the extensive product portfolio, including fresh milk, flavoured milk, yoghurt, laban, ice cream, cheese and juices, distributed to consumers across the GCC region. The company is ISO 9001:2015, ISO 22000:2018, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2017 compliant, ensuring high-quality products according to global standards.
The customer’s main requirement was a functional air curtain to create an invisible curtain effect for the milk processing plant. The need for vertical and horizontal mounted air curtains for industrial applications is to ensure air curtains make an invisible door that prevents the inflow of external warm, humid air and insects and restricts the outflow of indoor treated air, protecting inside temperatures of the building and BMS compatible.
Using such an air curtain supports the company’s vision to maintain the highest level of hygiene to protect the integrity of the process while reducing potentially costly energy losses. Easy controls are also vital to ensure easy integration with everyday operations.
Systemair-Frico PA model air curtains manufactured by FRICO Sweden were chosen as they met the project specifications and were deemed suitable for 8-meter vertical mounting. Overall, Systemair provided the following units:
The solutions were also chosen because they can work on auto mode interlinked with the door contact switch, making them easy to use.
Systemair, Frico Air curtains have proven track records and maintain air barrier stopping external air ingress, which is beneficial for food hygiene.
Senior CPP Manager Plant