Greenhouse with Green Ventilation

Green Ventilation guides you towards our most sustainable solutions

Considering global climate change, sustainability has never been more relevant than it is today.

A trustworthy environmental performance benchmark

In response, we have redefined and extended our Green Ventilation concept at Systemair Group. Our new label and its corresponding product requirements allow you to easily identify the most sustainable solutions for your HVAC projects.

Previously, the Green Ventilation label only indicated that a product contained an energy-efficient EC motor. To meet high sustainability demands and challenge us, we have expanded its scope to address other critical environmental factors you and we care about.

As a result, Green Ventilation is now a trustworthy environmental performance benchmark for our products. It reflects our highest internal standards while providing our customers peace of mind when facing sustainability demands across HVAC projects.

Green Ventilation includes hands-on sustainability criteria for each product area

For each Systemair product area, a set of sustainability requirements define when a product qualifies for the Green Ventilation label.

The defined requirements are not just “green marketing”, they are measurable and verifiable.

Green Ventilation requirements are reviewed frequently to reflect technological advances and to continuously raise the bar.

In addition to energy efficiency, Green Ventilation addresses a product’s impact in terms of Indoor Air Quality, safety, comfort, global warming potential, and more.

Green Ventilation is based on a set of general sustainability principles

Our products always comply with current European Union Ecodesign requirements – or comparable legislation in other regions.

Energy efficiency is central to our products and solutions, enabling ever-lower energy usage in buildings, thereby avoiding greenhouse gas emissions.

We focus on circularity when developing products, considering material choice and efficiency. We design for durability, repairability and upgradability.

Our manufacturing facilities and supply chains continuously reduce their carbon footprint through many initiatives, including increasing energy efficiency and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.