DKIS1 Rectangular Smoke Control Dampers

Single compartment smoke control damper with automatic activation suitable for smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems

  • Automatic Activation 

  • Actuator Operated

  • Sturdy Construction

  • Size optimized design

Single Fire Compartment

The DKIS1 is a rectangular smoke control damper for use in a single fire compartment.

Two Safety Positions

The DKIS1 is a component part of smoke and heat extract ventilation systems and has two safety positions. 


DKIS1 single compartment smoke control dampers have tightness of the blade/casing class 2/B according to EN 1751. 

The DKIS1 is a rectangular smoke control damper for use in a single fire compartment. It is a key safety component in a Smoke and Heat Exhaust Ventilation System (SHEVS) and is designed to be installed in the SHEV ducts in locations that are protected from the weather. In the case of a fire, the damper opens and removes the heat and smoke through a special fan from the compartment affected by fire. Alternatively, it closes to prevent the spread of smoke and heat in the fire compartment unaffected by fire. All smoke dampers have an electric actuator as standard. 

Systemair smoke dampers have a low noise operation. There is increased noise only when closing or opening the damper in case of inspection or fire. By default, all DKIS1 smoke control dampers are supplied with an actuator with micro switches. The smoke control damper opens or closes the damper when signalled by the building management system or connected smoke detector. The actuator closes within 60 seconds and does not need a fire resistive cover. Other sizes are available in this range.