New Green Ventilation Label Provides a Guide to the Most Sustainable Solutions

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Systemair has launched our new Green Ventilation sustainability label that provides an environmental performance benchmark to guide customers toward the most sustainable solutions within our product portfolio. The label comprises strong and easily verifiable sustainability requirements tailored to each product category (e.g., air handling units, fans, classroom ventilators), which define when a product is entitled to carry the new label or not.

Green Ventilation is part of our wide range of sustainability activities to proactively meet increasing sustainability demands across HVAC markets. It allows you to make apples-to-apples comparisons and select the products that best meet your project's sustainability goals and needs.

Qualifications for the label consider not only a unit’s energy efficiency but also its impact on indoor air quality, safety, comfort, and global warming potential, among other factors.

In North America, the product areas eligible for the Green Ventilation logo are:

Our products marked with the Green Ventilation logo are ideally suited for energy-sensitive projects looking to reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs.

For architects and engineers seeking options that conserve energy, protect occupant health, and lower a project’s carbon footprint, our new Green Ventilation logo provides a roadmap to the most sustainable options.

As organizations worldwide increasingly prioritize sustainability, we stand ready to lead the way with innovative, eco-conscious solutions that make a positive impact on both the planet and building occupants.