TFF Air Valves

Circular supply diffuser for easy ceiling installation

  • Precise Airflow Adjustment 

  • Easy Installation

  • Non-Disturbant Aesthetic Form 

  • Adjustable Vent 

Easy Installation

The TFF supply valve has been designed for simple ceiling installation. 

Unobtrusive Design

The TFF supply valve has an unobtrusive design and a non-disturbant aesthetic for discreet installation. 

Precise Airflow Adjustment

An adjustable vent capacity and a 360° discharge pattern which allows for precise airflow adjustment. 

Available in different sizes, the TFF supply valve is a circular supply diffuser for easy ceiling installation. It has adjustable vent capacity and a 360° discharge pattern from which up to 180° can be shielded by a deflector. 

TFF is made from galvanised steel sheet with powder colour coating. The product consists of the fixed part with fixing springs, equipped duct connection, valve seat and movable front plate. The front plate is held by the central thread bolt and can be moved by rotating. This allows the gap between the plate and the seat to be adjusted to set the required airflow volume. 

The TFF supply has a discreet, aesthetic form and is for discreet installation in a wide range of different settings.