With the SYSVRF3 AHU boxes, external evaporators with a capacity of 2.2 kW to 56 kW can be integrated into a Systemair SYSVRF Heat Pump and as well as Mini VRF system.
Up to four SYSVRF3 AHU BOX can be used in parallel, allowing a total capacity range up to 224 kW in a single
refrigerant circuit.
The external register can be controlled either by a control of an external operator or by the supplied remote control.
0-10V capacity control for 0-100% capacity demand or setpoint shift (return air temperature control)
Terminals for external fan
Connection terminals for external condensate pump and float switch
Master/Slave control (224 kW)
Return or supply air temperature control
Included 6 temperature probes with cable extension
Electronic expansion valve (EXV) removable for split design
Wired remote controller WGC86S for maintenance or control (standard)
Digital outputs: operation message, defrost, alarm
Digital inputs: Fan mode, heating mode, cooling mode, remote On/Off