Providing quality and compliance to a global car brand’s production facility

Systemair delivered Geniox Air Handling Units to the Mercedes Benz production centre in Vitoria-Gazteiz, Spain where efficiency and world-class production are key priorities.

Gadījuma izpēte: Mercedes Production Centre, Spain

Projekta svarīgākie punkti

Compliance and world-class production process

The production process of the ventilation solutions had to comply with Mercedes strict internal standards and protocols.


Energy-efficient components were a must to meet the customer’s operational goals.

Ease of use and superior technical features

Systemair air handling units were chosen for their easy and straightforward installation as well as technical features that align with the company’s vision for efficient operations. 

Fakti par projektu


Humiclima Norte




Mercedes Benz

Supplying to Daimler AG's second-largest van plant in the world

The Mercedes-Benz plant in Vitoria is Daimler AG's second-largest global van plant. Home to more than 5,000 people employed at the location, the plant spans 600000 m² and includes 370,000 m² of production space. The plant supplies products to almost all global markets. At the same time, the Mercedes-Benz Vans facility is one of the most important industrial centres in the Basque Country, generating around 3.3% of the region's GDP and around 10% of its export volume in 2015.

Systemair units were installed within the warehouse area.

A focus on efficiency, compliance and quality

Efficiency was the project's highest priority, and Systemair was chosen as a supplier after Mercedes visited the factory and observed the production process underlined by the quality of the equipment. The contract was awarded to Systemair for the company’s ability to comply with its manufacturing protocol and standards for suppliers of fans, recuperators, and recuperators as stipulated within the company’s regulations.

In addition, Systemair was chosen as the solutions had technical features that showcased a level of innovation required by Mercedes while offering easy installation and maintenance. The customer also highlighted the need for silicone-free materials, as automotive paint reacts with silicone.

Customised to meet world-class standards

Systemair delivered the Geniox 44 model which, which had an airflow of up to 70,000 m3/h to meet the ventilation requirements of an area spanning 4.350m2.

The Geniox 44 unit is Systemair’s largest unit to date and was customised to meet the meticulous and detailed requirements of Mercedes, which included reinforcements, structure, transport, factory set-up, technical office and production.

Systemair was chosen as the ideal partner to support Mercedes’ relentless drive towards efficiency, which is also a driving force for the ventilation company’s R&D departments. As such, the Geniox SHU provided saw plug fans replaced by EC fans, and the hot water production changed from steam to efficient heat pumps. The unit was also designed to unlock greater savings from energy recovery.

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Geniox product image
Geniox Core product image
Geniox Go product image
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