OptigoOP 10
Optigo OP 10 #7282


Optigo OP 10#7282
Frecvență: 50/60 Hz

Optigo OP 10 #7282

OP10 has 10 inputs/outputs and can be configured to control Temperature (ventilation control with heating and cooling), Water-heated radiator heating with outdoor temperature dependent control-curve or Domestic hot-water control. The controller is extremely easy to install and use. It is mainly intended for small applications. Optigo has a knob with an encoder which makes the menu system very easy to use. You can read and set values shown in the back-lit display. A value is approved by pressing the knob. Optigo is suitable for DIN-rail or cabinet mounting. Since the terminals are detachable all connections can be made before Optigo is installed.OP 10 is available in two versions, OP10 with 24 V AC supply voltage and OP 10-230 with 230 V AC supply voltage.Number of inputs / outputs OP10AI      2DI      2UI      1AO     2DO     3

Specificații tehnice

Date tehnice

Article Name
Optigo OP 10
Article number
24V 50/60Hz
Date nominale
Tensiune (nominală)24V
Frecvență50; 60Hz
Putere de intrare6W
Input power kW0,006kW
Protecție / Clasificare
Clasa de incintăIP20
Controler și senzori
Umiditatea ambientală admisămax 90%RH
Temperatura ambientală și a conductelor
Temperatura ambiantă permisă0 către 50°C
Dimensiuni și greutăți


Optigo #7282, Dimensiuni
