PH Topvex12kW 400
PH Topvex 12kW 400 #235487, Electrical pre-heater kit for Topvex TC/SC units

PH Topvex

Electrical pre-heater kit for Topvex TC/SC units

  • To be used with Topvex TC/SC

  • Integrated control by external 0-10V

  • Complete kit 

  • Different sizes to fit corresponding ducts

PH Topvex 12kW 400#235487
Frekvencia: 50 Hz

Additional heat

The PH Topvex pre-heater is designed to prevent compensate for the loss of heating or to supplement the heating capacity during colder conditions. 

Integrated control system

The pre-heater is controlled by the integrated control system in the Topvex unit. 

Complete kit

The kit contains 1 preheater, 1 outdoor air sensor and instructions for installation and use. 

The PH Topvex is available as an accessory for Systemair Topvex SC20-70 and Topvex TC20-70 with a counterflow heat exchanger. The preheater is designed to compensate for the loss of heating during bypass defrosting or to supplement the heating capacity during colder conditions. It is designed for installation in the outdoor duct. The kit contains 1 preheater, an outdoor air sensor and instructions for installation and operation. 

The preheater is controlled from the Systemair Access integrated control system in the Topvex unit. This has a dedicated preheater function that provides set points to actual needs.

Műsz. spec.

Műszaki adatok

Tétel neve
PH Topvex 12kW 400
400V 3~
Feszültség (névleges)400V
Feszültség típusaAC
Teljesítményfelvétel12 000W
Légszállításmin. 678m³/h
Termék típusaElektromos fűtőelem
Légcsatorna csatlakozás típusaKöralakú
Légcsatorna méret, kör, belépő400mm
Légcsatorna méret, kör, kilépő400mm
Méretek és tömegek



PH Topvex #235487, Méretek
ø D =
400 mm
