
Tudjon meg többet arról, hogyan támogatunk projekteket világszerte

Termékeink minden kontinensen és minden alkalmazási területen megtalálhatók, még szélsőséges körülmények között is. Minden egyes projekt egyedi alkotás, amely a partneri és holisztikus megoldások nyújtása iránti elkötelezettségünk bizonyítéka. Íme a történeteink a világ minden tájáról.

Esettanulmány: Winzergenossenschaft Beckstein, Németország

Fokozott hatékonyság a szellőzés utólagos átalakításával

A Systemair növeli a Becksteiner Winzer erjesztőpincéjének szellőzőrendszerének általános hatékonyságát.
Photograph of a branded van next to a apartment building
Esettanulmány: Nynäshamnsbostäder lakónegyed, Svédország

Okos és költséghatékony felújítás egy 1950-es évekbeli lakótömb átalakításával

Svédország kedvelt nyári úti céljában 135, az 1950-es években épült lakás modern szellőztetési megoldással növelte a komfortérzetet. A Systemair a kivitelezővel szorosan együttműködve kreatívan oldotta meg a kihívásokat.
Esettanulmány: Mengeš Általános Iskola, Szlovénia

A tanulók tanulmányi sikerének támogatása az osztálytermek jobb levegőminőségének biztosításával

A Systemair Sense a szlovéniai Mengeš Általános Iskola korábban elárasztott osztálytermeinek felújítása során mutatta be hatékonyságát az egészséges levegőminőség elérésében és fenntartásában
Esettanulmány: Montabaur kastély, Németország

Egy ősi németországi kastély szellőzőrendszerének korszerűsítése

A Geniox légkezelő berendezések rugalmassága és moduláris jellemzői miatt tökéletes választásnak bizonyultak a történelmi helyszín felújításához, amely ma már egy világszínvonalú négycsillagos szálloda és konferenciaközpont.

Low-noise, high-quality air curtains to meet heavy footfall in UAE petrol stations

Systemair delivered Frico air curtains to ENOC petrol stations across the UAE to reduce costly energy loss and ensure customers' comfort even during harsh Middle East summers.

Delivering comfortable cooling in petrol stations amid harsh desert conditions

Systemair delivered Frico air curtains to EMARAT petrol stations to ensure comfort and reduce energy loss during peak summer conditions in the Middle East.
Esettanulmány: One Portsoken Building, Egyesült Királyság

HVAC-rendszerek fejlesztése a BREEAM-szabványokhoz való igazodás érdekében egy mérföldkőnek számító felújítási projektben

Az Egyesült Királyság egyik legnagyobb tervezési és építési projektjében a Systemair támogatta a Celsius Solutions-t egy 1980-as évekbeli irodaház BREEAM-szabványoknak megfelelő felújításában.
Esettanulmány: Mercedes Production Centre, Spain

Providing quality and compliance to a global car brand’s production facility

Systemair delivered Geniox Air Handling Units to the Mercedes Benz production centre in Vitoria-Gazteiz, Spain where efficiency and world-class production are key priorities.
Esettanulmány: Amazon logistics platform, Spain

Improving the IAQ in the world’s most popular e-commerce platform

Customised Geniox air handling units to the warehouse and offices of Amazon’s logistics platform in Zaragoza, Spain
Esettanulmány: Franska Bukten, Svédország

Kompakt Topvex megoldás javítja a beltéri klímát egy régebbi stockholmi lakóházban

A Systemair Topvex légkezelő egységeket szállított beépített füstmegelőzővel egy stockholmi lakóépületbe. Ennek oka? Kompakt kialakításuk, energiahatékonyságuk, egyéb jellemzőik és mi, mint megbízható partner.
Esettanulmány: Bondi Pavilion, Australia

Delivering custom-engineered solutions to an iconic heritage building

Pacific Ventilation supplied The Bondi Pavilion with tailored solutions that meet the heritage building’s unique dimensions as well as IAQ and comfort ventilation requirements
Esettanulmány: Fragment, Czech Republic

Delivering prime ventilation solutions to a modern residential building where art meets architecture

Systemair supports the developer’s vision to raise modern residential standards in Prague, by providing efficient and reliable ventilation solutions to a structure that blends art and architecture
Esettanulmány: The Tides Apartment Complex, Canada

Delivering excellent IAQ to a breath-taking riverside apartment complex

Fantech supplied the ventilation system for The Tides in New Brunswick Canada, a stunning riverside residential that strongly valued occupant wellbeing and compliance with national building codes
Esettanulmány: The Village Square, Canada

Supporting the heart of the community with a healthy and comfortable environment

Fantech supported The Village Square, a beloved local pub and eatery at the heart of the Pineridge Hollow community in Canada, with optimal ventilation units adhering to Canada’s strict building codes to ensure the patrons enjoy fresh air indoors.
Esettanulmány: Qasr Al Hokm Station, Saudi Arabia

Delivering reliable comfort ventilation to metro stations in high-ambient conditions

Systemair delivers over a hundred fans to Saudi Arabia's iconic metro station
Stantec Tower Exterior
Esettanulmány: Stantec Tower, Canada

Supporting sustainable & human-centric building designs

Systemair supplies high-efficiency inline duct fans to Sky Residences in Stantec Tower, a 66-floor LEED Gold Certified skyscraper in the heart of Edmonton, Alberta in Canada
Outdoor photo of New Aalborg University Hospital
Esettanulmány: New Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark

Delivering clean, healthy indoor air to a modern, iconic hospital

Systemair supplied Geniox air handling units to New Aalborg University Hospital, ensuring healthy, clean indoor air for patients and employees
Esettanulmány: Bujairi Car Park, Saudi Arabia

Engineering optimal underground car park ventilation in a UNESCO heritage site

Systemair supplied the ventilation products for the four-storey underground car park at Diriyah, the heart of Saudi Arabia’s historical district, supporting the design and overseeing manufacturing and handover within 14 months.
Esettanulmány: Nakheel Mall, Saudi Arabia

Creating optimum indoor climates for the health and comfort of mall visitors

Systemair enabled Nakheel Mall, a luxury commercial facility, to provide clean and comfortable air to their visitors by supplying high-quality fans.
The Pearl Island Resort
Esettanulmány: Marsa Arabia Kempisky Hotel Island Resort, Qatar

Delivering reliable operations and the highest standards of safety in a world-class, luxury hotel

Systemair supplied the complete car park ventilation of Marsa Arabia Kempisky Hotel Island Resort in The Pearl
Esettanulmány: Adare Manor Hotel & Golf Resort

Delivering precision ventilation in a luxury hotel’s pool environment

Systemair supplied customised solutions to secure the indoor climate of a historical building
Malteserordenstraße Residential Buildings, Germany
Esettanulmány: Malteserordenstraße Residential Buildings, Germany

Meeting the developer's vision for sustainable and energy-efficient homes

Systemair supplied state-of-the-art residential air handling units and ventilation solutions to meet the developer's desire to provide an optimum indoor climate in a sustainable and energy-efficient manner
One South County, Dublin
Esettanulmány: One South County, Ireland

Helping partners achieve sustainability accreditation

Systemair supplied quality air handling units and fans to meet the commercial project’s strict energy efficiency requirements and sustainability targets.
Esettanulmány: atNorth Data Centre, Iceland

Cooling 100% green-powered data centres

Delivering most efficient air cool system to support the expansion of Iceland's largest data centre operator
National Health Laboratory, Qatar
Esettanulmány: National Health Laboratory, Qatar

Showcasing how specialised air solutions can be hygienic and sustainable

Systemair delivers an extensive and specialised product range to ensure the most hygienic air quality levels without sacrificing energy-efficient operation
Al Mutahidah Towers
Esettanulmány: Al-Mutahidah Towers, Qatar

Delivering safety and security to a luxury development’s car park

Systemair’s extensive range of fan solutions addressed the stringent requirements of the residential project in the heart of Qatar’s most iconic neighbourhood
Irish Life Dundalk
Esettanulmány: Irish Life, Ireland

Balancing strict civil and local planning requirements

Systemair enabled Irish Life to meet strict civil and local planning requirements
Esettanulmány: Al Dhaid Hospital, UAE

Securing optimal humidity controls for an operating theatre in the Middle East

Systemair delivered a customised fresh air handling unit to Al Dhaid Hospital, a world-class medical facility managed by the UAE Ministry of Health
Amrita Hospital Faridabad India
Esettanulmány: Amrita Hospital, India

Bringing trusted ventilation to India’s largest green healthcare project

Systemair delivered state-of-the-art air handling units to Amrita Hospital, Faridabad, the largest private hospital in the country
Esettanulmány: Boklok Housing, Sweden

Delivering modern ventilation solutions to support sustainable housing for all

Systemair supports BoKlok in its aim to make homeownership accessible to everyone through climate-neutral production
Riyadh Park Mall Illustration
Esettanulmány: Riyadh Park, Saudi Arabia

Offering high-quality ventilation to guarantee the comfort and safety of mall visitors

Systemair supplied more than 100 fans to one of the premier shopping malls in Saudi Arabia to guarantee the safety and comfort of visitors and mall staff.
Al Majdoul Exterior
Esettanulmány: Al-Majdoul Tower, Saudi Arabia

Offering sustainable and comfortable indoor climate to commercial visitors in the Middle East

Systemair supplied the iconic Al-Majdoul commercial tower in Saudi Arabia, considered the eighth-tallest twisting tower globally, with fire-rated fans to ensure the comfort and safety of visitors
Esettanulmány: Courtyard by Marriott Hotel, Saudi Arabia

Ensuring optimum ventilation in critical areas within the hotel facility

Systemair supplies fans to ensure optimum ventilation in critical areas of the Courtyard is a hotel owned and operated by Marriott International in Saudi Arabia
Exterior Metro Station
Esettanulmány: Western Station, Saudi Arabia

Balancing comfort ventilation with energy-efficient operation amid harsh regional conditions

Systemair supplied more than 200 fans to one of the iconic stations part of Riyadh’s mega-infrastructure project
Esettanulmány: SAMS Clinical Centre, Portugal

Meeting world-class hygiene standards for patient safety and comfort

Supplying a hygienic AHU and virucidal filters to the radiotherapy department of a leading clinical centre in Lisbon, Portugal
Esettanulmány: Boden Green House, Sweden

Powering a pioneering Data Centre project

Using waste heat from data centres to grow vegetables at -30°C
Esettanulmány: Lego Factory, Mexico

Custom ventilation solutions for a world-class toy factory

Systemair solutions safeguard the indoor climate of Lego’s factory year-round amidst Mexico’s extreme temperature fluctuations
polarbear, Pairi Daiza Zoo
Esettanulmány: Pairi Daiza Zoo, Belgium

Solving for a variety of indoor climates in a single project

With multiple indoor and outdoor environments for both people and animals, the Pairi Daiza Zoo project came with many challenges.