TUNE-R Zsaluk

Légmennyiség szabályzó és fagyvédelmi pillangószelepek, kézi és motoros működtetéssel

  • Kör alakú légcsatornákba építhető

  • Kézi vagy motoros működtetéssel

  • Horganyzott acéllemezből 

  • Különféle légtömörségi kivitelben

Circular ducts

The TUNE-R is control and shut damper that has been designed to provide effective operation in circular ducts. 

Manual or motorised versions

The TUNE-R damper is available in both manual and motorised versions with an integrated position indicator. 

Steel construction

The TUNE-R damper is manufactured from galvanised steel sheet and is entirely silicone free. All gaskets are manufactured from black rubber. 

TUNE-R is a control and shut-off damper designed for the particular needs of circular ducts. It is available in various versions with blade tightness class 1 or 4 and casing tightness class A or C tested according to EN 1751. The damper can be supplied in manual or motorized versions with an integrated position indicator. 

The different versions are suitable for different settings with A1 ideal in simple installations for regulating the air volume in circular ducts. The C1 version is required for duct installation with airtight requirements to the outside of the duct to minimise the leakage to the outside surroundings, such as industrial applications or hospital suites. The  C4 version is ideal for use as a shut-off damper where different parts of the system need to be airtight separated from each other because of the dangerous materials contained in the air. 

The damper is manufactured from galvanised steel sheet and is entirely silicone free. All gaskets on the unit are manufactured from black rubbers. All materials used in the damper are flame retardant. The TUNE-R damper is available from dimensions 80-630mm.