VOCDuct sensor KLQ-W


VOC Duct sensor KLQ-W#156813
24VAC/DC 0-10V, 4-20mA + contact
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VOC Duct sensor KLQ-W #156813

The maintenance-free microprocessor-controlled duct sensor with automatic and manual calibration, enclosure with quick-locking screws, is used for determining the air quality or the air quality based on a mixed gas sensor/VOC sensor. The measurement signals are converted into standard signals of 0-10 V or 4...20 mA.Version: KLQ-WIt is used - For air quality measurement in offices, hotels, meeting rooms and convention centres, apartments, stores, and restaurants, etc. - For quantitative evaluation of room air pollution with contaminating gases (cigarette smoke, body perspiration, exhaled breathing air, solvent vapours, emissions from building members and cleaning agents) - For adjustable sensitivity regarding the maximum air contamination to be expected - For room ventilation as-needed, enabled by air changes only taking place when air is polluted while conserving energy at the same time.The sensor's service life depends on the type of burden and gas concentration and is more than 60 months under normal load conditions. The new design allows you to choose between three sensitivity ranges that are adjusted using DIP switches, giving you three measuring ranges:LOW for low, MEDIUM (default) for medium, and HIGH for high VOC sensitivity.VOC is the abbreviation for volatile organic compounds. According to the definition by the World Health Organization WHO, VOC are organic substances with a boiling range from +60 to +250 °C. Examples of VOCs include compounds of the substance groups alkanes ⁄ alkenes, aromatic compounds, terpenes, halogenated hydrocarbons, esters, aldehydes, and ketones. There is a large number of naturally occurring VOCs, some of which are also released into the atmosphere in substantial quantities, e.g. terpenes and isoprene from forests.

Technická špecifikácia

Technické údaje

Názov výrobku
VOC Duct sensor KLQ-W
Číslo výrobku
Napätie (menovité)24V
Typ napätiaDC
Napätie22 až 26V
Trieda krytiaIP65
Povolená okolitá vlhkosťmax 95%RH
Rozmery a hmotnosti


VOC #156813, Rozmery
