HVAC insights, trends and good-to-know

Standards & Compliance

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Clarifying definitions surrounding compact air handling units

Juan Manuel Fernández, Product Manager Topvex, writes on Systemair’s active efforts in the Eurovent Market Intelligence Committee to redefine what constitutes a compact air handling unit and why aligning industry language is critical.

Why it’s time to prioritise a Cooling Recovery Coalition

Morten Schmelzer, Head of Group Public Affairs and Technical Marketing Director, writes on the gaps in the UN’s Cool Coalition initiative and emphasises the urgent need to elevate energy recovery systems and indoor air quality as a central focus in the years ahead.
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Why the industry is in need of a harmonised approach to EPDs

Nerissa Deoraj, Senior Public Affairs Manager, Systemair, sheds light on the crucial need for a harmonised approach in the HVAC industry and the necessity for standardised rules to facilitate the cost-efficient generation of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) that genuinely enhance sustainability.

ECC: “We want hygienic features to be more democratic and the norm for all applications”

Sylvain Courtey, President of Eurovent Certita Certification, discusses what makes Eurovent Hygienic Air Handling Unit (HAHU) stand out from other standards and why hygienic features should be a standard offering for air handling units in all types of applications.

A guide to choosing the best AHUs for your project

Systemair experts discuss publication of the highly popular Eurovent Recommendation 6/18 - 2022: Quality criteria for Air Handling Units, whom it was designed for and why consultants should reference it in future projects.

Escaping the rust belt

The persistent use of belt-driven fans despite the availability of more sustainable solutions in the market.
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Open and Closed BIM Systems

Expert commentary #6