
Our mission is to bring fresh, clean, and healthy air to your spaces.

All you need to know about the Eurovent HAHU certification, how it accommodates standards as such as VDI 6022-1 or DIN 1946-4, and why you should specify it.

All Geniox air handling units are #HygienicByDesign.

As of moment one, our flagship range of AHUs was designed in line with our #HygienicByDesign principles. When selecting any Geniox model, you can thus be ensured that hygienic requirements are part of the unit’s standard offering. In addition, you can configure any unit with the following certifications:

Explore more Systemair #HygienicByDesign solutions.

Geniox, Geniox offers ideal energy saving and low operational cost, with a long lifetime and the least impact on the environment.
Geniox offers ideal energy saving and low operational cost, with a long lifetime and the least impact on the environment.
Geniox product image
Geniox Core product image
Geniox Core, Get the energy-efficient performance of Geniox – in a compact design and fast delivery!
Geniox Core
Get the energy-efficient performance of Geniox – in a compact design and fast delivery!
Geniox Go, Geniox Go is a preconfigured modular air handling unit delivering excellent performance and energy savings. A wide range with built-in flexibility, easy to transport, ensures an optimal solution for your project.
Geniox Go
Geniox Go is a preconfigured modular air handling unit delivering excellent performance and energy savings. A wide range with built-in flexibility, easy to transport, ensures an optimal solution for your project.
Geniox VOClean, High-performing, energy-saving ecology units designed specifically for commercial kitchen applications.
Geniox VOClean
High-performing, energy-saving ecology units designed specifically for commercial kitchen applications.
BA Hygiene, Modular air handling unit with enhanced energy efficiency and certified by Eurovent for hygienic applications
BA Hygiene
Modular air handling unit with enhanced energy efficiency and certified by Eurovent for hygienic applications
BA Plus, Eurovent-certified modular air handling units with enhanced energy efficiency through improved thermal transmittance
BA Plus
Eurovent-certified modular air handling units with enhanced energy efficiency through improved thermal transmittance

Bringing fresh air to wherever you are.

For nearly 50 years Systemair has been delivering innovative, sustainable, and energy-saving HVAC Products and solutions to the world.