VRF-AHU connecting box

  • 0-10V capacity control 

  • Master-/Slave control 

  • Return or Supply Temperature 

  • External fan terminals 

SYSVRF2 AHU BOX 22-90#317708

Parallel Use

Up to 4 SYSVRF AHU unit boxes can be used in parallel, allowing a total capacity range of up to 224 kW in a single refrigerant circuit. 

Connection Terminals

The SYSVRF AHU features connection terminals for an external fan, external condensate pump and float switch. 

0-10V Capacity Control

The SYSVRF AHU has 0-10v capacity control for 0-100% capacity demand or setpoint shift. 

With the 4th generation SYSVRF2 AHU boxes, external evaporators with a capacity of 2.2 kW to 56 kW can be integrated into a Systemair 2-pipe SYSVRF, SYSVRF2 and Mini VRF system. Up to four SYSVRF AHU unit boxes can be used in parallel, allowing for a total capacity range of up to 224 kW in a single refrigerant circuit. The external register can be controlled by an external operator or with the supplied remote control. 

Available in different sizes, the SYSVRF AHU unit features connection terminals for an external fan, condensate pump and float switch. It has 0-10V capacity control for 0-100% capacity demand or setpoint shift (return air temperature control). It enables control of both return and supply air temperature. The unit includes 5 temperature probes, including cable extension, expansion valve, and cable remote control WCSC86 for maintenance or control. 

Tech specs

Technical Data

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Dimensions and weights